This program reads 4 columns of data. The current input file name is JPAllPeoples_Pop_x_Rank.txt but this will be changed to input.txt. The 4 columns of data currently used are: 1) country name or code (that people group lives in), 2) population of the people group, 3) score or index for the particular criteria (from the Joshua Project in this case), and 4) product of multiplying the people groups' population x index / score. In its current form, the first people group must be from Afghanistan. As it is now, there must NOT be any blanks in the country names! The people groups must be listed by country in separate groups. The program adds up the populations of all the people groups in a given country and also adds up the product of the populations x index / score. After all of the data for a particular country has been read, then the total product is divided by the total population to yield an average score for the entire nation. Then the country name, the "Sum" of the products of people group populations and index scores, the total population of people groups in the country, and the average index score are printed in the file totals.out. If desired, this file can be read into Excel or other spreadsheet programs.