Great Commission Questions



1.       What is an unreached people group?

2.       Why are unreached people groups important?

3.       How does Jesus see the unreached?

4.       Where are most of the unreached?

5.       Since all lost people are equally lost and equally loved by God, why should we distinguish the unreached?

6.       How many unreached people are there?

7.       Why are so many unreached?

8.       What percentage of missionaries go to the unreached?

9.       What if the Lord desired for everybody in the world to have equal access to the Gospel?

10.   What people are the focus of most evangelistic activity?

11.   What countries have the most unreached people?

12.   How many Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists know a Christian (who could tell them about Jesus)?

13.   How many die without hearing the truth about Jesus?

14.   What can we do regarding the Great Commission?

15.   What answers does the Bible give us?

16.   Can you recommend any helpful resources?

17.   How can every believer make an eternal difference?